Pre-Arrival Coverage - Spring 2025
- Opens on Dec. 19, 2025
- Purchase up to 30 days of coverage prior to the start of the next academic term.
- **Fall coverage continues until the start of the Spring policy. If you have the Fall coverage, you cannot purchase the pre-arrival coverage.
**If you are trying to purchase coverage for the Spring term (and you are not registering), please request an Extension.
- Request Pre-Arrival Coverage
- $201 - Undergrads
- $260 - Graduate
- Purchasing Pre-Arrival Coverage is tied to coverage for the upcoming term. If you purchase Pre-Arrival Coverage and do not remain active in coverage for the upcoming term, all claims filed during the Pre-Arrival period will be denied. Contact the Student Insurance Office for additional information.
- Applies to new and returning students who are not actively covered by the UHCSR plan or a comparable health insurance plan.
- Students can purchase this coverage up to the day before the next policy starts. This coverage starts on the date of purchase and is not prorated.